Become a volunteer

Become a volunteer of the Researchers' Night at the Silesian University of Technology

Researchers’ Night in the European City of Science 2024 is a great opportunity to start your adventure with volunteering and see “behind the scenes” how to prepare a popular science project.

Every year, the Researchers’ Night is attended by volunteers who ensure that the event runs as smoothly as possible and support the organization. Thanks to them, participants do not feel lost in the multitude of popular science activities taking place in various departments of the Silesian University of Technology.

How to become a volunteer?

People over 18 years of age can become volunteers. You must register using the form by September 22, 2024.

Both members of the Silesian University of Technology community and other people unrelated to our university, e.g. students of other universities in the region and seniors, can take part in Volunteering at the Researchers’ Night.

As part of the preparations for the Researchers’ Night, volunteers participate in two meetings with the event coordinator, during which they learn the rules of the project, the place and duration of individual activities, as well as the tasks they will perform.

Please read the regulations and the GDPR clause for volunteers (in Polish). 



The Researchers' Night project in the European City of Science 2024 was co-financed by the Metropolis GZM.

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